Custom customer solutions

From an evening chat to having a custom product in your hand the following day. The kind of thing formula 1 teams strive for can be achieved in just a few focused hours. This is a long read following the process of a custom build for a customer. Wit h people at home more than usual of late, we all find ourselves procrastinating and tackling all of those big projects we have sat around our workshops. One such task was Andy Green's (of Racing Green) A ermacchi which he is building up to compete in classic motorcycle racing. Among many other things discussed; the side fairing brackets needed looking into. The existing nylon ones he has fitted were profiled to an old fairing and appeared to have been held on by string through the drill hole and the fairing attached by an M6 bolt threaded into the nylon. Functional but we could do better. Design requirements Cutting or drilling the frame was out of the question ruling out any bolted or split pinned attaching devices. T...