All corners protectors


1.1 Tool kit corner protector 30mm

Fitting our tool kit layer corner protectors is easy, adding protection to the foam and assisting in layer stacking.

Here we will walk you through how to fit them. However we will start a little before that just in case you are reading this whilst trying to decide what to buy. We have also peppered in a few suggestions on where to find items you will need with links or suggested brands in orange.

Considerations before buying

You are going to need to know what things you intend to put in this container (tools) and how deep the foam will need to be for those things to sit flat.
 Once you know this, you can workout a rough layout and figure out what size container is best for you (don't forget to leave room for the handles, factor in backing material and any protrusions). You will probably bounce around these tasks a bit as you pick suitable tool boxes then seeing how you could reorganise your tools to make best use of the space.
Doing this now will save some wasted time and money later.
Your shopping list (tooling aside) will consist of:
  • 2.1 50+30mm corner protectors
    Tool box(Peli Case).
  • Tool foam (Easy peel foam).
  • suitable backing material (1mm alloy or composite fibre sheet). If your backing material is quite thick, you may need a custom corner protector to be tall enough.
  • 1x Corner protector set per layer of foam. 
  • 4x 3.2mm dome head pop rivets per layer of foam. Grip length will be determined by your backing material.
  • Maybe consider adding our lightweight tool kit handles whilst you are here.

Fitting the corner protectors

3.1 Tool kit handles
We have written a tool kit handle fitting guide which covers a lot of the basics of cutting out tool kit foam layers.

This guide comes in once you have the backing material and foam cut ready to bond together.

  • Turn your foam and backing material over, align them correctly and place a matching depth corner protector onto one of the corners on the outside (see fig 1.1). 
  • If you intend to only glue them on them you can just go wild with that, we even left the hole filled in for you. If not you will need to knock this out.
  • With a pen, mark the location of the hole onto the back of backing material.
  • Drill a 3.2mm hole taking care to not drill all the way through the foam once you have passed through the backing material. Drilling into the foam a small amount will give space for the rivet tail later.
  • Repeat this process for all corners of all layers.
  • The corner protectors can now be riveted on from the underside of the backing material using 3.2mm dome head rivets. You can back this up with some adhesive. If the backing material corners curls up during riveting, you can push it back down with a flat blade screwdriver taking care not to slip.

  • Use adhesive on the foam and backing material before finally bolting the handles in place if you are using them. You will need to clamp or weigh down the layers to help the adhesive whilst it drys.
These corner protectors can be added to existing tool kit layers. in much the same way as above, no need to separate the foam from the backing material.

Don't forget to send us pictures of your finished kit on Facebook or tag us in on Twitter @HeggsPE.

That's it. You can find Light weight handles and Corner protectors on these respective links or send us a message on Facebook or Google.

3.2 tool kit layer corner protector 30mm


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